23 / 02 / 2015, 46 : 02 PM
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Ask yourself this question, “If I could wave a magic wand and achieve any goal on this list within 24 hours, which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on my life"
Whatever your answer to that question, put a circle around that goal. Then, transfer the goal to the top of a clean sheet of paper.
1- Write it down clearly and in detail.
2- Set a deadline on your goal and set sub deadlines if necessary.
3- Identify the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve your goal, and identify the most important one, internal or external.
4- Identify the knowledge and skills you will need to achieve your goal, and the most important skill that you will have to become excellent in.
5- Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require, and think about what you can do to deserve their help.
6- Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal. Add to the list as you think of new things to do.
7- Organize your list by sequence and priority, by what you have to do first, and by what is most important.
8- Make a plan by organizing your list into steps from the first to the last, and then resolve to take action on your plan, every single day.
9- Plan your goal in terms of the activities that you will have to engage in to achieve it, daily, weekly and monthly, in advance.
10- Set priorities on your list and identify the most important thing that you can do every single day to move most rapidly toward your goal.
11- Discipline yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on the most important thing that you can do today until it is 100% complete. Practice single-handling with every major task. By Brian Tracy