15 / 02 / 2015, 25 : 02 PM
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How to Become an Academic
How to Become an Academic
An academic is someone who holds an advanced degree and works as a researcher at a college or university.
1- Choose your discipline. There are very few people who can study lots and lots of subjects at once. Choose a subject you're interested in so you can focus your studies on it.
2- Become Literate. Get hold of some books and start reading. Get books in your particular subject if possible, but also try and take in classical novels such as those of Charles Dickens.
3- Take in Some Culture. Not only do you need to read extensively, but culture is important too. Try and make it to plays and theatre productions to sample some good old-fashioned culture.
4- Look it up! A major part of being the academic is being curious, investigative and eager to learn. If there's a new word you discover, a book you'd not heard of, or a snippet of history you'd like in context, look it up!
5- Become Fluent. A major part of being academic is extending your vocabulary and grip of language. If you notice mistakes in your grammar, take steps to correct them. If need be, invest in a grammar book. Not knowing where to put your apostrophes and what synonyms are will make people think you're a very cheap sort of academic!
6- Study. If you're in work, see if you can enroll on some part-time college or university courses. If you're in school, try and really get into your classes, and get involved in extra study-based activities. Studying properly is another key to being academic!
7- Apply yourself. Keep working at it. If you want to really be an academic, keep focused and keep studying.
8- Get a job in it. If you're really committed to the academic way of life, get an academic job.
9- Seek tenure. The ultimate achievement for a US academic is to achieve tenure, which means you can never lose your job without just cause.