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@MeShArY@ 23 / 12 / 2007 29 : 07 AM

The top 10 languages


Number of speakers: 129 million
Often called the most romantic language in the world, French is spoken in tons of countries, including Belgium, Canada, Rwanda, Cameroon, and Haiti. Oh, and France too. We're actually very lucky that French is so popular, because without it, we might have been stuck with Dutch Toast, Dutch Fries, and Dutch kissing
( To say "hello" in French, say "Bonjour" (bone-JOOR


Indonesian Number of speakers: 159 million
Malay-Indonesian is spoken - surprise - in Malaysia and Indonesia. Actually, we kinda fudged the numbers on this one because there are many dialects of Malay, the most popular of which is Indonesian. But they're all pretty much based on the same root language, which makes it the ninth most-spoken in the world.Indonesia is a fascinating place; a nation made up of over 13,000 islands it is the sixth most populated country in the world. Malaysia borders on two of the larger parts of Indonesia
including the island of Borneo), and is mostly known for its capital city of Kuala Lumpur)
( to say "hello" in Indonesian, say "Selamat pagi" (se-LA-maht PA-gee


Number of speakers: 191 million
Think of Portuguese as the little language that could. In the 12th Century, Portugal won its independence from Spain and expanded all over the world with the help of its famous explorers like Vasco da Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator. (Good thing Henry became a navigator . . . could you imagine if a guy named "Prince Henry the Navigator" became a florist?) Because Portugal got in so early on the exploring game, the language established itself all over the world, especially in Brazil (where it's the national language), Macau, Angola, Venezuela, and Mozambique
(To say "hello" in Portuguese, say "Bom dia" (bohn DEE-ah


Number of speakers: 211 million
In Bangladesh, a country of 120+ million people, just about everybody speaks Bengali. And because Bangladesh is virtually surrounded by India (where the population is growing so fast, just breathing the air can get you pregnant), the number of Bengali speakers in the world is much higher than most people would expect.
( To say "hello" in Bengali, say "Ei Je" (EYE-jay


Number of speakers: 246 million
Arabic, one of the world's oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, with speakers found in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt. Furthermore, because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well. So many people have a working knowledge of Arabic, in fact, that in 1974 it was made the sixth official language of the United Nations.( To say "hello" in Arabic, say "Al salaam a'alaykum" (Ahl sah-LAHM ah ah-LAY-koom

Number of speakers: 277 million
Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, and Yakov Smirnoff are among the millions of Russian speakers out there. Sure, we used to think of them as our Commie enemies. Now we think of them as our Commie friends. One of the six languages in the UN, Russian is spoken not only in the Mother Country, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the U.S. (to name just a few places)
(To say "hello" in Russian, say "Zdravstvuite" (ZDRAST-vet- yah


Number of speakers: 392 million
Aside from all of those kids who take it in high school, Spanish is spoken in just about every South American and Central American country, not to mention Spain, Cuba, and the U.S. There is a particular interest in Spanish in the U.S., as many English words are borrowed from the language, including: tornado, bonanza, patio, quesadilla, enchilada, and taco grande supreme
(To say "hello" in Spanish, say "Hola" (OH-la


Number of speakers: 497 million
Hindustani is the primary language of India's crowded population, and it encompasses a huge number of dialects (of which the most commonly spoken is Hindi). While many predict that the population of India will soon surpass that of China, the prominence of English in India prevents Hindustani from surpassing the most popular language in the world. If you're interested in learning a little Hindi, there's a very easy way: rent an Indian movie. The film industry in India is the most prolific in the world, making thousands of action/romance/ musicals every year
(To say "hello" in Hindustani, say "Namaste" (Nah-MAH-stay


Number of speakers: 508 million
While English doesn't have the most speakers, it is the official language of more countries than any other language. Its speakers hail from all around the world, including the U.S., Australia, England, Zimbabwe, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Canada. We'd tell you more about English, but you probably feel pretty comfortable with the language already. Let's just move on to the most popular language in the world.
(To say "hello" in English, say "What's up, freak?" (watz-UP-freek


Number of speakers: 1 billion
Surprise, surprise, the most widely spoken language on the planet is based in the most populated country on the planet, China. Beating second-place English by a 2 to 1 ratio, but don't let that lull you into thinking that Mandarin is easy to learn. Speaking Mandarin can be really tough, because each word can be pronounced in four ways (or "tones"), and a beginner will invariably have trouble distinguishing one tone from another. But if over a billion people could do it, so could you. Try saying hello
( To say "hello" in Mandarin, say "Ni hao" (Nee HaOW)
("Hao" is pronounced as one syllable, but the tone requires that you let your voice drop midway, and then raise it again at the end


The Dark Prince 23 / 12 / 2007 40 : 04 PM

It's a first time that I know these info. but it's really interesting

It's strange that Italian language dosen"t have a rate of the TOP languages

ThanX alot Mr. Mish Mish for this SUBJECT

ملكة الاحساس 23 / 12 / 2007 46 : 05 PM

هههههههههههه السالفه كلها انجليزي

عزالله رحتي وطي ياملووكه

مشاري ترى انا جيت اسلم بس ههههههههههه

سديم 24 / 12 / 2007 59 : 03 AM

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

عشاكم عندنا الليله ههههههههه

افضل 10 لغات وعرفته واللغات عرفتها

اما اللي بين السطور اغسل يدك هههههههههـ

Mahsoon 24 / 12 / 2007 50 : 06 PM

thank you v. much for updaing our information as the most thoughts that English is number one Spoken Language in the world among other languages

once again; thank you

@MeShArY@ 25 / 12 / 2007 25 : 06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة The Dark Prince (المشاركة 661397)
It's a first time that I know these info. but it's really interesting

It's strange that Italian language dosen"t have a rate of the TOP languages

ThanX alot Mr. Mish Mish for this SUBJECT

Because I expect that the Italian spoken by the Italian people only

welcome Mr. Prince

Page honored

@MeShArY@ 25 / 12 / 2007 27 : 06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ملكة الاحساس (المشاركة 661424)
هههههههههههه السالفه كلها انجليزي

عزالله رحتي وطي ياملووكه

مشاري ترى انا جيت اسلم بس ههههههههههه

الله يسلمك ملكة

والله لا يحرمنا من هالطلة

@MeShArY@ 25 / 12 / 2007 30 : 06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سديم (المشاركة 661665)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

عشاكم عندنا الليله ههههههههه

افضل 10 لغات وعرفته واللغات عرفتها

اما اللي بين السطور اغسل يدك هههههههههـ


اهم شي انك فهمتي الموضوع

شرفتي سديم

@MeShArY@ 25 / 12 / 2007 32 : 06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mahsoon (المشاركة 661798)
thank you v. much for updaing our information as the most thoughts that English is number one Spoken Language in the world among other languages

once again; thank you

Mandarin-speaking Chinese people and the 1 billion

The British came second

welcome Mahsoon


,؛, جـنـــان ,؛, 25 / 12 / 2007 39 : 06 AM



ممكن تعطينا معلومة بسيطة عن محتوى الموضوع ههههههههه


@MeShArY@ 25 / 12 / 2007 46 : 07 AM

تامريني امر جنان

الموضوع كله يتكلم عن عدد المتحدثين لكل لغة وعددهم

المرتبة العاشرة : اللغة الفرنسية

ويتحدثها 129 مليون

وهي غالبا ما تسمى اللغة الاكثر رومانسية في العالم

ويتحدثها كل من فرنسا طبعا وكندا والكاميرون وبلجيكا ورواندا وهايتي

المرتبة التاسعة : لغة المالاي

ويتحدثها 159 مليون من اندونيسيا وبعض ماليزيا

المرتبة الثامنة : اللغة البرتغالية

عدد المتحدثين 191 مليون

ويتحدثها كل من البرازيل ، وماكاو ، وانغولا ، فنزويلا ، وموزامبيق , والبرتغال طبعا

المرتبة السابعة : اللغة البنغالية

عدد المتحدثين بها 211 مليون

واكيد اللي يتحدث بها بنجلاديش

المرتبة السادسة : اللغة العربية

عدد المتحدثين بها 246 مليون

من الدول العربية كلها عدا الصومال وجيبوتي وجزر القمر ( كيف عرب طيب )
وهي من اقدم اللغات على مر التاريخ

المرتبة الخامسة : اللغة الروسية

عدد المتحدثين بها 277 مليون

يتحدثها كل من بيلاروسيا ، كازاخستان ، والولايات المتحدة في بعض الاماكن , واكيد روسيا

المرتبة الرابعة : اللغة الاسبانية

عدد المتحدثين بها 392 مليون

يتحدثها كل امريكا الجنوبية والولايات المتحدة الامريكية واسبانيا اكيد

المرتبة الثالثة : اللغة الهندوسية

اللغة الرسمية في الهند

يتحدثها 479 مليون

وبعض الناس يتوقع ان يتعدى عدد سكان الهند سكان الصين لذلك زودو من دراسة اللغة الانجليزية في الهند

واكيد اللغة يتحدثها الهنود

المرتبة الثانية : اللغة الانجليزية

يتحدثها 508 مليون

وهي اللغة الاولى شعبية في العالم

وهي اللغة الرسمية في كل من الولايات المتحدة الامريكية ، استراليا ، انكلترا ،

وزمبابوي ، ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي ، هونغ كونغ ، جنوب افريقيا ، وكندا.

المرتبة الاولى : لغة الماندارين

يتحدثها مليار شخص

اللغة الرسمية في الصين

,؛, جـنـــان ,؛, 27 / 12 / 2007 20 : 04 AM


بصراحة حقائق وعجائب

إستمتعت وأنا أقرأ الموضوع

أقصد الترجمة خخخخخخ

ماقصرت مشاري

الله يعطيك العافية


@MeShArY@ 27 / 12 / 2007 25 : 04 AM

الله يعافيك جنان

والله لا يحرمنا من هالطلة

غزالة الجنوب 27 / 12 / 2007 11 : 05 AM

.... will it`s splendid that our Language had aplace betweenThe top 10 languages

my best wish to you MeShArY

@MeShArY@ 28 / 12 / 2007 41 : 03 AM

welcome Ghazala

Thank you for your presence

الساعة الآن 50 : 08 PM بتوقيت السعودية

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